What Is GenesisLRT?

GenesisLRT offers a revolutionary process called “Restaking” that supercharges your ETH by enabling you to stake your ETH on not just one, but multiple networks at once, thereby maximizing your rewards. It applies a novel concept called “EigenLayer” to empower you to restake your assets.

This not only earns you extra profits but also bolsters the security of the network. Additionally, Genesis allows you to unlock the restaked liquidity with the liquid restaked token genETH.

With Genesis the client will have the possibility to have a customizable restaking experience by being able to choose their operators, validators and AVSs (Actively Validated Service). Genesis will ensure that the client will always have the best experience and yields available in the market.

What Is EigenLayer?

EigenLayer is a protocol built on Ethereum that introduces restaking, a new primitive in cryptoeconomic security.

Restaking allows those who stake ETH, either directly on the beacon chain or through liquid staking tokens (LSTs), to repurpose their staked ETH via EigenLayer's smart contracts. By doing so, they can bolster the security of various applications on the network and receive additional rewards.

From the network security point, with EigenLayer, Ethereum participants can amplify the security of numerous services. They do this by reallocating their already staked ETH to specific node operators. These operators then commit to offering economic protection to several services at once. Through restaking, the same ETH ensures the safety of multiple services, leading to increased incentives for both the stakers and the node operators involved in the validation process.

What Is Restaking?

Restaking lets users allocate their ETH to support validation across various networks at once, including Ethereum and others integrated with a restaking protocol. By leveraging Ethereum's security framework, it enhances capital effectiveness, offering stakers extra rewards for their validation efforts.

What are Restaking Advantages?

  1. Protocols Economic Security: Establishing economic security for new protocols is challenging. EigenLayer offers developers an affordable option to achieve this.

  2. Protocol Flexibility: While focusing on application-specific decisions, protocols can still maintain full control over consensus and penalty terms.

  3. Enhanced Capital Efficiency for Stakers: Through restaking, stakers can earn extra rewards from validating various services without committing extra funds, optimizing their capital use and increasing their validation-related earnings.

What Is Liquid Staking?

Liquid staking, also known as liquid proof-of-stake (liquid PoS), is a concept in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space that allows users to "stake" their tokens to participate in a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism while still maintaining the liquidity of their staked assets. To understand this better, let's break down the key terms:

1. Staking: In a proof-of-stake blockchain network, validators (or nodes) are chosen to create new blocks and validate transactions based on the number of tokens they hold and "stake" as collateral. Staking involves locking up a certain amount of cryptocurrency tokens as collateral to support the network's security and consensus process. Validators who perform their duties correctly are rewarded with additional tokens.

2. Liquidity: Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be converted into cash or other assets without causing a significant price change. In the context of cryptocurrencies, maintaining liquidity means being able to quickly buy or sell tokens without causing drastic price fluctuations.

In a traditional staking setup, when users stake their tokens, those tokens are locked up for a predetermined period. This lack of liquidity can be a drawback, as users are unable to use or trade those tokens during that time. Liquid staking addresses this issue by allowing users to receive "liquid staking tokens" (LSTs) in exchange for their staked tokens. These LSTs are representative of the staked tokens and can be freely traded on exchanges or used in other DeFi (decentralized finance) activities without affecting the staker's participation in the staking process.

The process typically involves a third-party service or protocol that issues LSTs in exchange for staked tokens. This allows users to benefit from the staking rewards and maintain liquidity at the same time. When the staking period ends, users can redeem their LSTs for the original staked tokens, plus any staking rewards earned.

Liquid staking has gained attention as it addresses the trade-off between participating in staking for rewards and maintaining the ability to access and trade one's assets. It combines the benefits of staking with the flexibility of being able to use the staked assets for other purposes in the decentralized finance ecosystem. However, it's important to note that like any financial activity involving cryptocurrencies, there are risks associated with liquid staking, including the potential for loss of staked assets or potential vulnerabilities in the protocols used to facilitate liquid staking.

How is Genesis Protocol secure?

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols aim to provide financial services and products in a decentralized and permissionless manner using blockchain technology. Security is a paramount concern in the DeFi space due to the value of assets and funds involved.

To maintain the security of the Genesis Protocol, several practices and mechanisms are employed:

  1. Multi-Signature (Multi-Sig) Wallets: Multi-sig wallets require multiple private keys to authorize transactions. In a DeFi protocol, key actions, such as making significant changes to the protocol or withdrawing funds, may require the approval of multiple key holders. This adds an extra layer of security by reducing the risk of a single point of failure.

  2. Audits: Security audits involve third-party cybersecurity experts reviewing the protocol's codebase and architecture to identify vulnerabilities, bugs, or potential weaknesses. Audits help identify and address security issues before they are exploited by malicious actors.

  3. On-Chain Monitoring and Analytics: Genesis implements on-chain monitoring tools to keep track of transactions, activities, and potential anomalies. This allows for the detection of suspicious or unauthorized activities in real-time.

  4. Bug Bounties: Bug bounty programs encourage external security researchers and developers to discover and report vulnerabilities in exchange for rewards. By incentivizing the broader community to identify and report bugs, DeFi protocols benefit this way from a diverse range of expertise in identifying potential security flaws.

  5. Code Upgrades and Governance: Genesis has upgrade mechanisms that allow for improvements to the protocol's security and functionality. These upgrades are often subject to decentralized governance processes that involve token holders or stakeholders voting on proposed changes. This helps prevent unilateral and potentially risky changes to the protocol.

  6. Decentralization: DeFi protocols strive for decentralization, spreading decision-making power and control among various participants. Decentralization helps to mitigate the risk of single points of failure and reduce the influence of malicious actors.

  7. Constant Monitoring and Response: Security teams continuously monitor the protocol for emerging threats. In the event of a security breach or vulnerability, rapid response measures are taken to minimize the impact and protect user’s funds.

How can I start with Genesis?

Bring your ETH and restake in Genesis so your EigenLayer journey can start!

Last updated