
Restaking lets users allocate their ETH to support validation across various networks at once, including Ethereum and others integrated with a restaking protocol. By leveraging Ethereum's security framework, it enhances capital effectiveness, offering stakers extra rewards for their validation efforts.

Restaking Advantages

Restaking has several advantages:

  1. Protocols Economic Security: Establishing economic security for new protocols is challenging. EigenLayer offers developers an affordable option to achieve this.

  2. Protocol Flexibility: While focusing on application-specific decisions, protocols can still maintain full control over consensus and penalty terms.

  3. Enhanced Capital Efficiency for Stakers: Through restaking, stakers can earn extra rewards from validating various services without committing extra funds, optimizing their capital use and increasing their validation-related earnings.

Restaking Challenges

EigenLayer’s restaking solution introduces a groundbreaking approach to enhance crypto-economics security and trust.

However, its growth potential can be limited by risks and challenges:

  1. The existing solution has liquidity risks, limited DeFi composability, and the competition it faces in comparison to ETH LST yield farming opportunities.

  2. Distinct disadvantages to the current Actively Validated Services (AVS) ecosystem: the difficulty of bootstrapping a new trust network, the leakage of value since users pay fees to a separate trust network on top of transaction fees on Ethereum, the cost of providing staking rewards in return for network security far outweighs the operational costs of the AVS and having multiple trust networks means weakened security for dApps since the cost of attack is the minimum cost of corruption across all its dependencies.

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